Using Naive Bayes to Predict a Song’s Genre Given its Lyrics

27 minute read | Updated:


In the [last post]( we analyzed rap lyrics using word vectors. We mostly did some first-pass analysis and very little prediction. In this post, we'll actually focus on predictions and visualizing our results. I'll use Python's machine-learning library, a href=""scikit-learn/a, to build a a href=""naive Bayes classifier/a to predict a song's genre given its lyrics. To get the data, we'll use [Cypher](, a new Python package [I recently released]( that retrieves music lyrics. To visualize the results, I'll use [D3]( and [D3Plus](, which is a nice wrapper for D3.

In the last post we analyzed rap lyrics using word vectors. We mostly did some first-pass analysis and very little prediction. In this post, we'll actually focus on predictions and visualizing our results. I'll use Python's machine-learning library, scikit-learn, to build a naive Bayes classifier to predict a song's genre given its lyrics. To get the data, we'll use Cypher, a new Python package I recently released that retrieves music lyrics. To visualize the results, I'll use D3 and D3Plus, which is a nice wrapper for D3.

## Contents
[Quick Note on Naive Bayes](#Quick-Note-on-Naive-Bayes)br/
[Getting the Data](#Getting-the-Data)br/
[Loading the Data](#Loading-the-Data)br/
[Splitting the Data](#Splitting-the-Data)br/
[Training the Model](#Training-the-Model)br/
[Top Hip Hop Songs](#Top-Hip-Hop-Songs)br/
[Hip Hop Songs that have Alt Rock and Country Lyrics](#Hip-Hop-Songs-that-have-Alt-Rock-and-Country-Lyrics)br/
[Visualizing Our results](#Visualizing-Our-Results) (With d3.js)br/
[Up Next](#Up-Next)br/
## Quick Note on Naive Bayes

Quick Note on Naive Bayes

The naive Bayes classifier is based on [Bayes' Theorem]( and known for its simplicity, accuracy, and speed, particularly when it comes to text classification, which is what our aim is for this post. In short, as Wikipedia puts it, Bayes' Theorem describes the probability of an event, based on prior knowledge of conditions that might be related to the event. For example, if a musical genre is related to lyrics, then, with Bayes' Theorem, we can more accuarately assess the probability that a certain song belongs to a particular genre, compared to the assessment of the probability of a genre made without knowledge of a song's lyrics. For more on Bayes' Theorem, check this [post]( out. 

The naive Bayes classifier is based on Bayes' Theorem and known for its simplicity, accuracy, and speed, particularly when it comes to text classification, which is what our aim is for this post. In short, as Wikipedia puts it, Bayes' Theorem describes the probability of an event, based on prior knowledge of conditions that might be related to the event. For example, if a musical genre is related to lyrics, then, with Bayes' Theorem, we can more accuarately assess the probability that a certain song belongs to a particular genre, compared to the assessment of the probability of a genre made without knowledge of a song's lyrics. For more on Bayes' Theorem, check this post out.

## Getting the Data

Getting the Data

The data was retrieved with [Cypher]( The data and code used for this post is available on the Cypher's [GitHub page]( Since the data takes so long to retrieve (there are over 900 hundred artists), I plan on adding a feature to Cypher that allows the user to load already-retrieved data if it exists, other wise it will retrieve the data like normal. For now, you can just download it from the [GitHub page](
I started this post with the intention of trying to classify 10 genres: pop, blues, heavy metal, classic rock, indie folk, RnB, punk rock, screamo, country, and rap.
I ran into a few problems with this as classic rock lyrically was very similar to country; indie folk was also similar to country; punk rock, heavy metal, and screamo were all similar; and RnB and rap were very similar. It's not surprising; as the number of classes grows, it becomes harder to correctly classify. I may write a post on my trouble with this approach if there is interest in it, or just post the results of trying to predict all 10 genres.
Anyways, to get the data, I used [Ranker]( to get a list of the top 100 artists of each genre. They have a nice API endpoint you can hit to get all the artists so you don't have to web scrape. 

The data was retrieved with Cypher. The data and code used for this post is available on the Cypher's GitHub page. Since the data takes so long to retrieve (there are over 900 hundred artists), I plan on adding a feature to Cypher that allows the user to load already-retrieved data if it exists, other wise it will retrieve the data like normal. For now, you can just download it from the GitHub page.

I started this post with the intention of trying to classify 10 genres: pop, blues, heavy metal, classic rock, indie folk, RnB, punk rock, screamo, country, and rap.

I ran into a few problems with this as classic rock lyrically was very similar to country; indie folk was also similar to country; punk rock, heavy metal, and screamo were all similar; and RnB and rap were very similar. It's not surprising; as the number of classes grows, it becomes harder to correctly classify. I may write a post on my trouble with this approach if there is interest in it, or just post the results of trying to predict all 10 genres.

Anyways, to get the data, I used Ranker to get a list of the top 100 artists of each genre. They have a nice API endpoint you can hit to get all the artists so you don't have to web scrape.

## Loading the Data

Loading the Data

To load the data, we'll use [pandas']( `read_csv` method. We'll also clean up the genres due to the problems mentioned above about lyrical similarity. The three genres we'll try to predict are country, rap, and alt rock since those genres are clearly different. For our purposes, we'll classify metal, punk, and screamo as "alt rock". Here's how we do it:

To load the data, we'll use pandas' read_csv method. We'll also clean up the genres due to the problems mentioned above about lyrical similarity. The three genres we'll try to predict are country, rap, and alt rock since those genres are clearly different. For our purposes, we'll classify metal, punk, and screamo as "alt rock". Here's how we do it:

In [38]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.read_csv('lyrics.csv')
df['ranker_genre'] = np.where(
    (df['ranker_genre'] == 'screamo')|
    (df['ranker_genre'] == 'punk rock')|
    (df['ranker_genre'] == 'heavy metal'), 
    'alt rock', 
The data is available as one lyric per row. To train our classifier, we'll need to transform it into one *song* per row. We'll also go ahead and convert the data to lowercase with `.apply(lambda x: x.lower())`. To do that, we do the following:

The data is available as one lyric per row. To train our classifier, we'll need to transform it into one song per row. We'll also go ahead and convert the data to lowercase with .apply(lambda x: x.lower()). To do that, we do the following:

In [39]:
group = ['song', 'year', 'album', 'genre', 'artist', 'ranker_genre']
lyrics_by_song = df.sort_values(group)\
        .apply(' '.join)\
        .apply(lambda x: x.lower())\
lyrics_by_song["lyric"] = lyrics_by_song['lyric'].str.replace(r'[^\w\s]','')
## Splitting the Data

Splitting the Data

Next we'll split our data into a training set and a testing set using only Country, Alt Rock, and Hip Hop. A quick note: because the lyrics are community-sourced some of the songs have incomplete or incorrect lyrics. A lot of the songs with less than 400 characters are just strings of nonsense characters. Therefore, I filtered those songs out as they didn't contribute any value or insight to the model.

Next we'll split our data into a training set and a testing set using only Country, Alt Rock, and Hip Hop. A quick note: because the lyrics are community-sourced some of the songs have incomplete or incorrect lyrics. A lot of the songs with less than 400 characters are just strings of nonsense characters. Therefore, I filtered those songs out as they didn't contribute any value or insight to the model.

In [40]:
from sklearn.utils import shuffle
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
genres = [
    'Country', 'alt rock', 'Hip Hop',
LYRIC_LEN = 400 # each song has to be  400 characters
N = 10000 # number of records to pull from each genre
RANDOM_SEED = 200 # random seed to make results repeatable
train_df = pd.DataFrame()
test_df = pd.DataFrame()
for genre in genres: # loop over each genre
    subset = lyrics_by_song[ # create a subset 
        (lyrics_by_song.ranker_genre==genre) & 
        (lyrics_by_song.lyric.str.len()  LYRIC_LEN)
    train_set = subset.sample(n=N, random_state=RANDOM_SEED)
    test_set = subset.drop(train_set.index)
    train_df = train_df.append(train_set) # append subsets to the master sets
    test_df = test_df.append(test_set)
train_df = shuffle(train_df)
test_df = shuffle(test_df)
## Training the Model

Training the Model

Next, we'll train a model using word frequencies and `sklearn`'s `CountVectorizer`. The `CountVectorizer` is a quick and dirty way to train a language model by using simple word counts. Later we'll try a more sophisticated approach with the `TfidfVectorizer`.

Next, we'll train a model using word frequencies and sklearn's CountVectorizer. The CountVectorizer is a quick and dirty way to train a language model by using simple word counts. Later we'll try a more sophisticated approach with the TfidfVectorizer.

In [31]:
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
# define our model
text_clf = Pipeline(
    [('vect', CountVectorizer()),
     ('clf', MultinomialNB(alpha=0.1))])
# train our model on training data, train_df.ranker_genre)  
# score our model on testing data
predicted = text_clf.predict(test_df.lyric)
np.mean(predicted == test_df.ranker_genre)
Not a bad first-pass model!
Word frequencies work fine here, but let's see if we can get a better model by using the `TfidfVectorizer`.
`tf-idf` stands for "term frequency-inverse document frequency". `tf` summarizes how often a given word appears within a document, while `idf` scales down words that appear frequently across documents. For example, if we were trying to figure out which rap artists were lyrically similar, the term `police` may not be very helpful as almost every rapper uses this term. But the term `detroit` may carry more weight as only a hand full of rappers use it. Thus, although `police` would have a higher `tf` score, `detroit` would have a higher `tf-idf` score and would be a more important feature in a language model.
So let's train a model using `tf-idf` scores as features.

Not a bad first-pass model!

Word frequencies work fine here, but let's see if we can get a better model by using the TfidfVectorizer.

tf-idf stands for "term frequency-inverse document frequency". tf summarizes how often a given word appears within a document, while idf scales down words that appear frequently across documents. For example, if we were trying to figure out which rap artists were lyrically similar, the term police may not be very helpful as almost every rapper uses this term. But the term detroit may carry more weight as only a hand full of rappers use it. Thus, although police would have a higher tf score, detroit would have a higher tf-idf score and would be a more important feature in a language model.

So let's train a model using tf-idf scores as features.

In [7]:
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfTransformer, TfidfVectorizer
# define our model
text_clf = Pipeline(
    [('vect', TfidfVectorizer()),
     ('clf', MultinomialNB(alpha=0.1))])
# train our model on training data, train_df.ranker_genre)  
# score our model on testing data
predicted = text_clf.predict(test_df.lyric)
np.mean(predicted == test_df.ranker_genre)
Hmmm. Our model seems to have gotten worse. Let's try tuning a few hyperparameters, lemmatizing our data, customizing our tokenizer a bit, and filtering our words with `nltk`'s builtin stopword list.

Hmmm. Our model seems to have gotten worse. Let's try tuning a few hyperparameters, lemmatizing our data, customizing our tokenizer a bit, and filtering our words with nltk's builtin stopword list.

In [99]:
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from nltk import word_tokenize
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer
stop = list(set(stopwords.words('english'))) # stopwords
wnl = WordNetLemmatizer() # lemmatizer
def tokenizer(x): # custom tokenizer
    return (
        for w in word_tokenize(x) 
        if len(w)  2 and w.isalnum() # only words that are  2 characters
    )                                 # and is alpha-numeric
# define our model
text_clf = Pipeline(
    [('vect', TfidfVectorizer(
        ngram_range=(1, 2), # include bigrams
        max_df=0.4, # ignore terms that appear in more than 40% of documents
        min_df=4)), # ignore terms that appear in less than 4 documents
     ('tfidf', TfidfTransformer()),
     ('clf', MultinomialNB(alpha=0.1))])
# train our model on training data, train_df.ranker_genre)  
# score our model on testing data
predicted = text_clf.predict(test_df.lyric)
np.mean(predicted == test_df.ranker_genre)
Hey! 1% better. I'll take it. We could keep tuning these hyperparameters to squeeze out more accuracy. For example, a more fine-tuned stopword list could help a lot; there are a [few strategies]( for constructing a good stopword list. For now, we'll go with our current model.
Now let's go beyond raw accuracy and see how it performs by looking at our confusion matrix for this model. 

Hey! 1% better. I'll take it. We could keep tuning these hyperparameters to squeeze out more accuracy. For example, a more fine-tuned stopword list could help a lot; there are a few strategies for constructing a good stopword list. For now, we'll go with our current model.

Now let's go beyond raw accuracy and see how it performs by looking at our confusion matrix for this model.

In [36]:
mat = confusion_matrix(test_df.ranker_genre, predicted)
    mat.T, square=True, annot=True, fmt='d', cbar=False,
plt.xlabel('true label')
plt.ylabel('predicted label');
Given this confusion matrix, we can calculate precision, recall, and f-score, which can be better metrics for evaluating a classifier than raw accuracy.
bRecall/b is the ability of the classifier to find all the positive results. That is, to clasify a rap song *as* a rap song. 
bPrecision/b is the ability of the classifier to not label a negative result as a positive one. That is, to not classify a country song as a rap song.
bF-score/b is the [harmonic mean]( of precision and recall.
To compute recall, precision, and f-score, we'll use `precision_recall_fscore_support` from `sklearn.metrics`.

Given this confusion matrix, we can calculate precision, recall, and f-score, which can be better metrics for evaluating a classifier than raw accuracy.

Recall is the ability of the classifier to find all the positive results. That is, to clasify a rap song as a rap song.

Precision is the ability of the classifier to not label a negative result as a positive one. That is, to not classify a country song as a rap song.

F-score is the harmonic mean of precision and recall.

To compute recall, precision, and f-score, we'll use precision_recall_fscore_support from sklearn.metrics.

In [35]:
from sklearn.metrics import precision_recall_fscore_support
precision, recall, fscore, support = precision_recall_fscore_support(test_df.ranker_genre, predicted)
for n,genre in enumerate(genres):
    genre = genre.upper()
    print(genre+'_precision: {}'.format(precision[n]))
    print(genre+'_recall: {}'.format(recall[n]))
    print(genre+'_fscore: {}'.format(fscore[n]))
    print(genre+'_support: {}'.format(support[n]))
COUNTRY_precision: 0.9034659567125178
COUNTRY_recall: 0.9000933248194901
COUNTRY_fscore: 0.9017764873775898
COUNTRY_support: 20359

ALT ROCK_precision: 0.5072796934865901
ALT ROCK_recall: 0.9403409090909091
ALT ROCK_fscore: 0.6590343454454953
ALT ROCK_support: 1408

HIP HOP_precision: 0.9093471353899765
HIP HOP_recall: 0.8597383720930233
HIP HOP_fscore: 0.883847188324949
HIP HOP_support: 20640

bSupport/b is the number of each class in the actual true set. And the first thing I notice is that there aren't many alt rock songs being scored. Adding more alt rock songs could possibly improve our model. 
We do a good job all around on classifying hip hop and country songs. For alt rock songs, the recall score is great; that is, when it's actually an alt rock song, the model classifies it as an alt rock song 94% of the time. But, as we can see from our alt rock precision score and confusion matrix, the model classifies many hip hop songs as alt rock (963, to be exact), which is the main reason this score is so low.
Let's throw some new data at our model and see how well it does predicting what genre these lyrics belong to. 

Support is the number of each class in the actual true set. And the first thing I notice is that there aren't many alt rock songs being scored. Adding more alt rock songs could possibly improve our model.

We do a good job all around on classifying hip hop and country songs. For alt rock songs, the recall score is great; that is, when it's actually an alt rock song, the model classifies it as an alt rock song 94% of the time. But, as we can see from our alt rock precision score and confusion matrix, the model classifies many hip hop songs as alt rock (963, to be exact), which is the main reason this score is so low.

Let's throw some new data at our model and see how well it does predicting what genre these lyrics belong to.

In [13]:
        "i stand for the red white and blue",
        "flow so smooth they say i rap in cursive", #bars *insert fire emoji*
        "take my heart and carve it out",
        "there is no end to the madness",
        "sitting on my front porch drinking sweet tea",
        "sitting on my front porch sippin on cognac",
        "dog died and my pick up truck wont start",
        "im invisible and the drugs wont help",
        "i hope you choke in your sleep thinking of me",
        "i wonder what genre a song about data science and naive bayes and hyper parameters and maybe a little scatter plots would be"
array(['Country', 'Hip Hop', 'alt rock', 'alt rock', 'Country', 'Hip Hop',
       'Country', 'alt rock', 'alt rock', 'Hip Hop'], 
This seems to classify lyrics pretty well. Not sure about that last lyric though. But, then again, maybe the classifier does as good a job as any human would do classifying those cool data science lyrics?

This seems to classify lyrics pretty well. Not sure about that last lyric though. But, then again, maybe the classifier does as good a job as any human would do classifying those cool data science lyrics?

## Top Hip Hop Songs

Top Hip Hop Songs

Let's retrieve the songs with the highest probability of being hip hop. I'm guessing this will be a prolific artist who's language influences the entire genre. First, though, we need to score each song then merge it in to our dataset.

Let's retrieve the songs with the highest probability of being hip hop. I'm guessing this will be a prolific artist who's language influences the entire genre. First, though, we need to score each song then merge it in to our dataset.

In [100]:
data = train_df.append(test_df) # entire dataset
predicts = text_clf.predict_proba(data.lyric) # score each song
data['Country'], data['Hip_Hop'], data['Alt_Rock'] = ['','',''] # create empty columns
for n,row in enumerate(data.itertuples()): # merge scored data into our dataset
    data.loc[row.Index, 'Country'] = predicts[n][0]
    data.loc[row.Index, 'Hip_Hop'] = predicts[n][1]
    data.loc[row.Index, 'Alt_Rock'] = predicts[n][2]
The top 20 most-hip hop songs are:

The top 20 most-hip hop songs are:

In [48]:
columns_of_interest = [
    'artist', 'song', 'album', 
    'ranker_genre', 'Hip_Hop', 
    'Alt_Rock', 'Country'
    .sort_values(['Hip_Hop', 'Alt_Rock', 'Country'], ascending=[0, 1, 1])\
artist song album ranker_genre Hip_Hop Alt_Rock Country
89883 Snoop_Dogg Set It Off Tha Last Meal (2000) Hip Hop 1 1.02507e-12 2.59403e-13
42315 2Pac Hit 'Em Up Live (2004) Hip Hop 1 3.22494e-12 7.39967e-15
42316 2Pac Hit 'em Up Greatest Hits (1998) Hip Hop 1 3.25809e-12 8.41491e-15
34832 Too_$hort Get In Where You Fit In Get In Where You Fit In (1993) Hip Hop 1 3.50784e-12 2.47664e-15
33580 Snoop_Dogg Freestyle Conversation Tha Doggfather (1996) Hip Hop 1 3.01647e-12 9.0946e-13
25109 Snoop_Dogg Doggy Dogg World Doggystyle (1993) Hip Hop 1 1.38902e-11 8.70554e-13
25110 Snoop_Dogg Doggy Dogg World Death Row's Snoop Doggy Dogg At His Best (2001) Hip Hop 1 1.53723e-11 8.72738e-13
79165 Twista Overdose Adrenaline Rush (1997) Hip Hop 1 1.76744e-11 2.68287e-14
25253 Snoop_Dogg Don Doggy Paid Tha Cost To Be Da Bo$$ (2002) Hip Hop 1 1.8457e-11 1.12283e-12
91632 MC_Ren Shot Caller Ruthless for Life (1998) Hip Hop 1 2.29e-11 6.95705e-13
85027 Jay-Z Reservoir Dogs Vol. 2... Hard Knock Life (1998) Hip Hop 1 3.23132e-11 1.87116e-13
76063 Scarface O.G. To Me The Last of a Dying Breed (2000) Hip Hop 1 3.2801e-11 2.43453e-13
2711 Krayzie_Bone A Thugga Level Thug On Da Line (2001) Hip Hop 1 4.52958e-11 7.43026e-13
119078 Too_$hort What Happened to the Groupies Can't Stay Away (1999) Hip Hop 1 4.58972e-11 4.83204e-12
50805 T.I. I'm Straight King (2006) Hip Hop 1 4.30728e-11 7.70825e-12
19296 Tech_N9ne Come Gangsta Bad Season (2010) Hip Hop 1 4.98534e-11 2.54802e-12
19295 Tech_N9ne Come Gangsta Everready (The Religion) (2006) Hip Hop 1 4.98534e-11 2.54802e-12
97664 MC_Ren Still the Same Nigga The Villain in Black (1996) Hip Hop 1 6.05274e-11 2.06619e-12
3266 D12 Activity As Phuctivity The Underground EP (1997) Hip Hop 1 6.54908e-11 6.91093e-14
32646 Snoop_Dogg For All My Niggaz & Bitches Doggystyle (1993) Hip Hop 1 6.36369e-11 2.30267e-12
And the most hip hop song is Set it Off by Snoop Dogg, who also seems to be the most hip hop rapper, as he has 6 of the top 20 most hip hop songs. Also, it shouldn't be surprising that a lot of these songs are pre-2000, which is the age that hip hop really began to take shape. From this analysis, it seems a lot of the language of hip hop was being defined during those years.
Because the lyrics are community-sourced, there are some duplicate songs. In the real world, we'd want to get rid of these duplicate rows.

And the most hip hop song is Set it Off by Snoop Dogg, who also seems to be the most hip hop rapper, as he has 6 of the top 20 most hip hop songs. Also, it shouldn't be surprising that a lot of these songs are pre-2000, which is the age that hip hop really began to take shape. From this analysis, it seems a lot of the language of hip hop was being defined during those years.

Because the lyrics are community-sourced, there are some duplicate songs. In the real world, we'd want to get rid of these duplicate rows.

## Hip Hop Songs that have Alt Rock and Country Lyrics

Hip Hop Songs that have Alt Rock and Country Lyrics

Next, let's see which hip hop songs have the most alt rock lyrics. To do this, we'll query our data for only hip hop songs and then sort by the `Alt_Rock` column. I don't have any guesses as to which songs this will be. Maybe songs by Childish Gambino? Or Tech N9ne? Let's see.

Next, let's see which hip hop songs have the most alt rock lyrics. To do this, we'll query our data for only hip hop songs and then sort by the Alt_Rock column. I don't have any guesses as to which songs this will be. Maybe songs by Childish Gambino? Or Tech N9ne? Let's see.

In [116]:
data[data.ranker_genre=='Hip Hop'][columns_of_interest]\
    .sort_values(['Alt_Rock', 'Hip_Hop'], ascending=[0, 1])\
    .head(20) # Top 20
artist song album ranker_genre Hip_Hop Alt_Rock Country
109588 Busta_Rhymes There's Only One Year Left!!! (Intro) E.L.E. (Extinction Level Event): The Final World Front (1998) Hip Hop 0.000587058 0.999413 7.39381e-08
3277 Lauryn_Hill Adam Lives In Theory MTV Unplugged (2002) Hip Hop 0.00145159 0.998285 0.000263027
114762 Immortal_Technique Ultimas Palabras The Martyr (2011) Hip Hop 0.00282868 0.997171 4.61514e-07
46223 Lauryn_Hill I Get Out MTV Unplugged (2002) Hip Hop 0.00272789 0.996981 0.000291271
33562 Lauryn_Hill Freedom Time MTV Unplugged (2002) Hip Hop 0.00346428 0.996294 0.000241836
61391 Lupe_Fiasco Letting Go Lasers (2011) Hip Hop 0.00417445 0.994444 0.00138115
30230 Kid_Cudi Fade 2 Red Speedin' Bullet 2 Heaven (2015) Hip Hop 0.00555762 0.993203 0.00123917
115250 Lupe_Fiasco Unforgivable Youth Food & Liquor II: The Great American Rap Album Pt. 1 (2012) Hip Hop 0.00624787 0.993113 0.000638979
20096 Kid_Cudi Copernicus Landing Satellite Flight: The Journey to Mother Moon (2014) Hip Hop 0.00505283 0.993016 0.00193124
19897 Kid_Cudi Confused! Speedin' Bullet 2 Heaven (2015) Hip Hop 0.00505283 0.993016 0.00193124
68598 Kid_Cudi Melting Speedin' Bullet 2 Heaven (2015) Hip Hop 0.00579108 0.991223 0.00298592
76331 Lauryn_Hill Oh Jerusalem MTV Unplugged (2002) Hip Hop 0.00301647 0.991191 0.00579247
90235 Yelawolf Shadows Trial by Fire (2017) Hip Hop 0.00304338 0.990284 0.00667227
57560 Lauryn_Hill Just Like Water MTV Unplugged (2002) Hip Hop 0.00161961 0.98694 0.0114401
81732 Common Pops Belief The Dreamer/The Believer (2011) Hip Hop 0.0102264 0.985932 0.00384123
106671 Tech_N9ne The Noose Welcome to Strangeland (2011) Hip Hop 0.0164305 0.982261 0.00130803
100753 Cypress_Hill Take My Pain Rise Up (2010) Hip Hop 0.018484 0.98088 0.000635567
27546 Tech_N9ne Drowning Something Else (2013) Hip Hop 0.0161966 0.978309 0.00549422
28263 Kid_Cudi Edge of the Earth / Post Mortem Boredom Speedin' Bullet 2 Heaven (2015) Hip Hop 0.0082987 0.977075 0.0146258
43911 Chance_The_Rapper How Great Coloring Book (2016) Hip Hop 0.0240995 0.972694 0.00320653
Wow. Didn't expect some of these results. Lauryn Hill seems to be the alt rock hip hop queen. Although Busta Rhymes has the most alt rock song, Lauryn Hill has 5 of the top 20 and, as we'll see from our visualization below, 12 of the top 100 most alt rock hip hop songs.
Now, let's see which hip hop songs have the most country lyrics. Again, no guesses. Maybe a southern rapper, like Ludacris or Yelawolf?

Wow. Didn't expect some of these results. Lauryn Hill seems to be the alt rock hip hop queen. Although Busta Rhymes has the most alt rock song, Lauryn Hill has 5 of the top 20 and, as we'll see from our visualization below, 12 of the top 100 most alt rock hip hop songs.

Now, let's see which hip hop songs have the most country lyrics. Again, no guesses. Maybe a southern rapper, like Ludacris or Yelawolf?

In [117]:
data[data.ranker_genre=='Hip Hop'][columns_of_interest]\
    .sort_values(['Country'], ascending=[0])\
artist song album ranker_genre Hip_Hop Alt_Rock Country
35371 Ghostface_Killah Ghostface X-Mas GhostDeini The Great (2008) Hip Hop 0.0104447 0.00121425 0.988341
51878 Queen_Latifah If I Had You The Dana Owens Album (2004) Hip Hop 0.0099924 0.0174937 0.972514
25455 Queen_Latifah Don't Cry Baby Trav'lin' Light (2007) Hip Hop 0.0229387 0.0271649 0.949896
107717 Queen_Latifah The Same Love That Made Me Laugh The Dana Owens Album (2004) Hip Hop 0.0181416 0.0324947 0.949364
8226 Childish_Gambino Baby Boy "Awaken, My Love!" (2016) Hip Hop 0.0130007 0.0379516 0.949048
101930 Yelawolf Tennessee Love Trunk Muzik Returns (2013) Hip Hop 0.0537624 0.000793593 0.945444
101931 Yelawolf Tennessee Love Love Story (2015) Hip Hop 0.0537624 0.000793593 0.945444
56413 Bizzy_Bone Jesus The Gift (2001) Hip Hop 0.0556137 0.0303563 0.91403
31606 Drake Find Your Love Thank Me Later (2010) Hip Hop 0.0194045 0.0760984 0.904497
94728 Scarface Someday The Fix (2002) Hip Hop 0.0289326 0.0727989 0.898269
102174 DMX Thank You Grand Champ (2003) Hip Hop 0.0420652 0.0918535 0.866081
85518 Yelawolf Ride or Die Trial by Fire (2017) Hip Hop 0.119646 0.019628 0.860726
30491 DMX Fallin' For The Love Of Money (2010) Hip Hop 0.0965481 0.0566869 0.846765
56470 DMX Jesus Loves Me Walk With Me Now And You'll Fly With Me Later (The Mixtape) (2011) Hip Hop 0.0592676 0.0952431 0.845489
69851 Eminem Mockingbird Encore (2004) Hip Hop 0.0682687 0.0878662 0.843865
69854 Eminem Mockingbird Curtain Call: The Hits (2005) Hip Hop 0.0682687 0.0878662 0.843865
25638 Ol%27_Dirty_Bastard Don't Go Breaking My Heart A Son Unique (2005) Hip Hop 0.0614408 0.0950812 0.843478
51547 Childish_Gambino I. Flight of the Navigator Because the Internet (2013) Hip Hop 0.00828495 0.166198 0.825517
4056 Yelawolf Alabama Gotdamn Friday The 13th (2011) Hip Hop 0.193608 0.00277894 0.803613
122788 Will_Smith Willow Is a Player Born to Reign (2002) Hip Hop 0.105539 0.0913535 0.803108
Well damn. If Lauryn Hill is the alt rock hip hop queen, then Queen Latifah is the queen of country hip hop, at least lyrically.

Well damn. If Lauryn Hill is the alt rock hip hop queen, then Queen Latifah is the queen of country hip hop, at least lyrically.

## Visualizing Our Results

Visualizing Our Results

I've also created a dashboard that you can play around with. It visualizes what we just did with our dataframes. Namely, you can look up which songs are most likely to belong to a different genre. In the upper left quadrant, you have the top 1,000 hip hop songs that have alt rock lyrics; you can also choose which genre you'd like to analyze with the drop down options. In the upper right quandrant, there's a table of the top 100 songs based on the filter of the upper left quadrant. In the lower left quadrant, you can see the lyrics weighted by tf-idf scores to allow you to visualize which words are hip hop, alt rock, and country. Lastly, in the lower right quadrant, you have a scatter plot with the tf-idf scores for each word for each genre. This graph is another way of visualizing the lower left quadrant. 
With these graphs, you'll get more insight into why exactly the model classified a song a certain way.
bTo get started, first select a song from the upper left scatter plot./b

I've also created a dashboard that you can play around with. It visualizes what we just did with our dataframes. Namely, you can look up which songs are most likely to belong to a different genre. In the upper left quadrant, you have the top 1,000 hip hop songs that have alt rock lyrics; you can also choose which genre you'd like to analyze with the drop down options. In the upper right quandrant, there's a table of the top 100 songs based on the filter of the upper left quadrant. In the lower left quadrant, you can see the lyrics weighted by tf-idf scores to allow you to visualize which words are hip hop, alt rock, and country. Lastly, in the lower right quadrant, you have a scatter plot with the tf-idf scores for each word for each genre. This graph is another way of visualizing the lower left quadrant.

With these graphs, you'll get more insight into why exactly the model classified a song a certain way.

To get started, first select a song from the upper left scatter plot. (Dashboard is best viewed on non-mobile device.)

Try these songs to get you started:
Immortal Technique's , which is a rap song that has lots of alt rock lyrics.
Joan Jett and the Blackhearts's , an alt rock song with country lyrics.
Deftones' , an alt rock song with hip hop lyrics.

Hip_Hop   Alt_Rock   Country
The most alt rock rappers
songs that have lyrics
The top 100 alt rock rappers
Genre Artist Song Hip_Hop Alt_Rock Country
The most alt rock words weighted by tf-idf

Click on a song in the scatter plot to see more

tf-idf scores for each genre, sized by tf

Click on a song in the scatter plot to see more



A quick note on the lower right scatter plot. For each genre-word combination, we have a tf-idf score. The genre that has the highest tf-idf score for a given word will have that genre's color (legend at the top). Additionally, the points are sized by tf (term frequency) to show how often that word is used within a certain genre. With this graph, you can get an idea of how lyrically dominant a certain genre is in a given song.

These results look pretty good, even the alt rock songs. If you choose "Alt_Rock songs that have Hip_Hop lyrics", the top song is Rage Against The Machine's "F\*ck Tha Police" which has obvious hip hop overtones. Some may even say it *is* a hip hop song. Also, among the top of that list are the songs birthed from the Jay-Z-Linkin Park collaboration. Again, arguably hip hop songs, so the classifier does well here.
Also, if you choose "Country songs that have Hip_Hop lyrics" you'll notice that the top song is Taylor Swift's Thug Story featuring T-Pain. The lyrics in the lower left box and the lower right tf-idf scatter plot will show that this song is lyrically hip hop even if musically it couldn't be further from it. 

A quick note on the lower right scatter plot. For each genre-word combination, we have a tf-idf score. The genre that has the highest tf-idf score for a given word will have that genre's color (legend at the top). Additionally, the points are sized by tf (term frequency) to show how often that word is used within a certain genre. With this graph, you can get an idea of how lyrically dominant a certain genre is in a given song.

These results look pretty good, even the alt rock songs. If you choose "Alt_Rock songs that have Hip_Hop lyrics", the top song is Rage Against The Machine's which has obvious hip hop overtones. Some may even say it is a hip hop song. Also, among the top of that list are the songs birthed from the Jay-Z-Linkin Park collaboration. Again, arguably hip hop songs, so the classifier does well here.

Also, if you choose "Country songs that have Hip_Hop lyrics" you'll notice that the top song is Taylor Swift's featuring T-Pain. The lyrics in the lower left box and the lower right tf-idf scatter plot will show that this song is lyrically hip hop even if musically it couldn't be further from it.

## Up Next

Up Next

Next, I'd like to perform some topic modeling on musical lyrics. But I may be putting most of my effort into [Achoo]( for the foreseeable future. Either way, I'll be reporting back soon.

Next, I'd like to perform some topic modeling on musical lyrics. But I may be putting most of my effort into Achoo for the foreseeable future. Either way, I'll be reporting back soon.